
Hello There

 Hello there!  This is my first post. How exciting!  I am a needle-worker.  Cross stitch, Hardanger, Beading, Quilting, Embroidery. I Love just about anything with a needle and thread. I created this blog to record some of my crafts and other interests like baking and cooking and being a Nonna. I decided to use this format because I guess I'm not ready to produce my own flosstube yet. I just moved here from the West.  It's the farthest North I've ever lived.  There are so many trees here.  I've not lived in a place with this many trees before...and a body of water every time you turn a corner.  It is beautiful here.  I live out in the country so it will take some adjusting compared to what I'm used to.  Lots of people, traffic, noise...... and did I say lots of people?  I've never done a blog before and no one may find mine interesting.  That's ok.  We'll see how this little blogging adventure goes for me.  Here is a view out my window in my neck of the
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